Cycling Is Flying

Client: Escadrille  —  Industry: Cycling Apparel

When a former member of the US National Cycling team launched a new line of high-end apparel for avid riders and commuters, he turned to an outdoor brand writer for help. Then to an agency out of London. Then he called 26 Tools.

Like so often happens today, the brand voice got lost in “storytelling” about the company’s passions and hopes and mission, without working to make customers want to read and relate.

I rewrote the messaging so it’s not about Escadrille, but about the people who will benefit from and love the products. And then I crafted messaging of shared love, for a launch catalog, website, retailer program, and broad marketing—and even a short lifestyle video to attract retail partners.

Escadrillle: Cycling is Flying
Escadrille:  Bicycle - Climb Higher
Escadrille: Bike to Work. Work to Bike.
Escadrille: the Love of the Ride. In Gear.
Escadrille: Magazine Gear